Yay it's the weekend, which means it's time for #Repostweekend!!! And this week theme is: #silvercrossdad and uncles perhaps! Share the treasure moment of your Silver Cross babies with their daddies or uncles or any male family members! 😄😄😄 Remember to #silvercross or #silvercrossdad here's proud dad with the elegant Kensington! #Repost from @villadallbo ・・・ Første tur med barnevognen i det skønne vejr ❤️ #newborn #nyfødt #lillebroranton #nårtreblivertilfire #LYKKELIG #kærlighed #mitguld #familiepåfire #silvercross #førstegåtur #barsel #barselslivet #livetivilladallbo ❤️ @kaptain83 ・・・ #silvercross #kensington #silvercrosspram #prams #heritage #classic #traditional #heritagepram #silvercrossbaby #cooldad #hkig by silvercrosshk
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